full time investor

Become a Full-time Investor (& Kick-Off your 9 to 5 job)

October 25, 2016 Sowmay 12

I had consistently received a common doubt from many fellow Investors, which somewhat looks like this: “How can I become a Full-time Investor/Trader?” It’s a dream of many freshmen in this field to be called as a Full-Time Investor. You don’t need a degree, you […]


Automate your Finance: Make $$$ while you ZZZ

October 20, 2016 Sowmay 18

I think you’ll agree with me when I say: “It’s REALLY hard to track stock market, day in & day out” Well, it turns out, you can dramatically increase your Return on Investments (ROI) by entering the right stock at right time. And to do […]


Speculation is zero-sum game, but Investing is not

October 18, 2016 Sowmay 0

Is it possible to earn an average of 20% a month with a short-term investment in the Stock Market? Yes! It’s possible. You can even earn +100% return per month, per week and even on daily basis. Trade Futures on high margins (which is maximum […]